What we do
Your health plan’s new best friend
UST HealthProof platforms are customizable. They're cost effective. They deploy quickly. And most importantly, they scale. Our solutions solve complex operational challenges across all lines of business: Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial, Individual, and Self-funded employer health plans. We streamline your health plan operations so you can focus on what matters most - the health of your members.


We build to operate

Our outcome-based approach is proven to offer unmatched  speed, flexibility and operational efficiency. It lets you take a proactive stance. It enables you to adapt quickly to changes in the industry and evolve member engagement – all with less risk and lower costs.


Our core admin BPaaS is built on a modern ecosystem, proven processes and expert people.

Modern Ecosystem

Our modern ecosystem is cloud native and configured to meet your operational needs. It’s highly configurable. It provides easier and faster integration with new partners. It works with all major healthcare software on the market. And it lets you complete system upgrades at a lower cost and in half the time.

Proven Processes

From onboarding members to paying providers and everything in between, processes are the heartbeat of health plans. UST HealthProof builds to the unique and exact needs of your plan’s processes. Yet we bring standardization, automation, and compliance into everything we do. This gives you the best of both worlds: a custom ecosystem that delivers exactly what you need (and none of what you don’t) configured with all the benefits of our standardized, automated, and compliant approach.

Expert People

Our people are your people. We bring years of dedicated health plan experience and training. We have a dev ops mindset, and we build to operate. We work hand-in-hand and side-by-side with you. We work together to achieve your strategic objectives and goals.


Our proof

The work we’ve done has made healthcare more affordable, helped our plans operate more efficiently and created real impact for patients.