Star rating for plans over multiple years


HEDIS® report data retrieval rate


Star rating gain in a single year


First-year quality improvement initiatives 


Meet Quality Improvement and Stars challenges head on

We know data – inside and out. Our Quality Improvement and Stars solutions and Quality360™ HEDIS® engine are data-driven and built to deliver what your plan needs to measure, report, meet regulatory requirements, and optimize quality ratings. We can help define gaps, retrieve records and abstract data, analyze results and close gaps. Our solutions integrate with existing data to look retrospectively and define prospective strategies that drive performance


Supercharge your Quality Improvement and Stars initiatives

Integrating multiple data sources, addressing benchmarks that are moving targets and wrangling advanced analytics can drag down quality and outcomes. Put our solutions and platforms to work for your plan’s specific challenges



Manage insight-driven improvement and reporting with an advanced end-to-end, NCQA-certified HEDIS® engine, plus exclusive analytics

diagram conncection


Improve quality and Stars measures that matter with innovative strategy, precise execution, and comprehensive analysis


From Leadership

“We partner with clients to achieve their goals through robust forecasting and reporting. 
Our data-driven approach analyzes HEDIS®, CAHPS®, HOS data and more to drive 
strategy and performance improvement 
execution services”

Sharon Kuhrt

Managing Director, Stars and HEDIS®


Why choose us

Tailored Quality Improvement and Stars strategies


End-to-end programs and tailored solutions

Unique experience and proven success for plans with flexible delivery options for platforms and services

world community grid

Accurate modeling

On-target, reliable Star rating projections that allow you to create and deploy strategic initiatives for improvement

Magnifying glass bar

Robust reporting

Best-in-class, continuous performance management reporting with flexible dashboards to drive financial forecasting, monitor key operations and deliver insightful performance analytics

Enrollment Technology

Advanced HEDIS® platform

Analyze, report and act with clear data that drives gap identification and closure and performance measures with our NCQA-certified Quality360™ HEDIS® engine

Let us help unburden your plan today

Reach out to discover how our innovative solutions can help unburden your plan and streamline operations. Together, we’ll elevate your business to new heights
