Increase efficiency, improve member experience and position for growth
Developing and maintaining technology, adapting to changing regulatory requirements, responding to increasing service demands for member experience and managing costs can quickly put stress on outdated or inefficient platforms. Our Core Administration solutions unburden your plan so you can focus on top line growth, outcomes and care for members
Driving outcomes through best-in-class technology and services
Welcome to our cloud-based payer solutions for Core Administration functions. With the same advanced technology that powers our BPaaS ecosystem, our solutions help Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Commercial, ACA and exchange plans optimize enrollment, claims and other Core Administration functions
Featured Core Administration solutions
From Leadership
“We have the tools, we have the technology, we have the capability to bring them together and make things easy for the end user. That’s how we translate ideas into value”
Manoj Nair
Chief Technology Officer
Trusted solutions with guaranteed outcomes
Let us help unburden your plan today
Reach out to discover how our innovative solutions can help unburden your plan and streamline operations. Together, we’ll elevate your business to new heights
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