How We Protect Your Data

Protecting Your Data Protects You

Safeguarding Sensitive Information: UST HealthProof’s Pledge on International Data Privacy Day

In today’s digitally connected world, we all rely heavily on technology for work, communications, daily tasks, and securing data. The need for awareness around data security is higher than at any other point in our history. Online and digital threats are evolving to become more sophisticated – threatening individuals and organizations alike. At UST HealthProof, our dedicated cyber security team focuses on protecting our systems and takes strict measures to keep all our data safe and secure.

When you partner with us, you’re entrusting our teams and organizations with important data and information. We treat data with the utmost respect and care because we understand the incredible responsibility with which you’ve entrusted us.

January 28 is International Data Privacy Day, which gives us the opportunity to emphasize how seriously we safeguard sensitive information.

How We Protect Your Data

Limiting Access to Data

When it comes to your data, UST HealthProof employees only have access to the information that’s necessary for them to do their job. For example, our Client Success teams only have access to account information for health plans they assist.

Employee Training

All employees of UST HealthProof are required to complete extensive Compliance and Security Awareness trainings include multiple sessions that address data security, privacy, HIPPA and more. The courses are designed to ensure all employees are educated on data protection and how it correlates to their job responsibilities.

Stringent Compliance Regulations

UST HealthProof’s Compliance department is responsible for distributing and upholding compliance within the organization. Our Compliance Regulation team ensures that our employees adhere to our commitments to your organization and that the entire company abides by the same standards and rules.

Protecting Your Data Protects You

Protecting your data is a huge responsibility, which is why we have these measures in place. UST HealthProof continually evaluates and updates our policies and procedures to offer our clients the best protection. When we’re focused on protecting your data, you can focus on what matters most – the health of your members.